احصل على الرعاية الشخصية التي تستحقها! اشترك اليوم وتواصل مع طبيب بغضون دقائق بخصوصية وسرية تامة.
Studiile la animale nu au evidenţiat efecte toxice dăunătoare directe sau indirecte asupra funcţiei de reproducere.
În timpul tratamentului cu Stilnox nu trebuie să consumaţi alcool etilic, deoarece efectul sedativ al medicamentului poate fi accentuat.
Riscul afectării psihomotorii în ziua următoare administrării medicamentului, inclusiv a capacităţii de
Dependenta – atunci cand luati medicamente de acest idea, exista un risc de aparitie a dependentei, care creste odata cu doza si durata tratamentului. La pacientii cu istoric de abuz de alcool etilic sau medicamente exista un risc mai mare.
لم تثبت الدراسات أمان استخدام الدواء لدى النساء الحوامل. وقد يتسبب تناول الزولبيديم في الأشهر الثلاثة الأخيرة من الحمل في حدوث مشاكل في التوازن والدوخة أو التنفس عند الوليد.
حيث ان الادوية المضادة للالتهاب الغير أستيرويدية تزيد من احتمالية حدوث آثار عكسية مثل حدوث (ألتهاب – نزيف – قرحة – ثقب فى المعدة او فى الامعاء).
As outlined by many experiments, Persistent worry impairs brain perform in various techniques. It could disrupt synapse regulation, leading to the loss of sociability and the avoidance of interactions with others. Pressure can kill brain cells and in some cases lessen the dimensions on the brain.
Amnezia – Stilnox poate determina pierderea memoriei. Pentru a minimize acest risc, trebuie să vă asiguraţi că puteţi să dormiţi fileără întrerupere, timp de seven – 8 ore.
All medicines and poisons in Australia are categorised by how They can be built accessible to the public. Medicines with a small safety threat are usually fewer tightly managed than medicines with a higher safety risk. This method known stilnox as 'scheduling'.
Ethanol Other Medical Challenges The existence of other medical complications may possibly impact the use of this medicine. Ensure that you inform your health practitioner Should you have any other medical issues, Particularly:
This drug isn't advisable for use in small children. Check with your child’s pediatrician For more info and alternatives.
على المرضى الذى سيتم ذكر حالتهم المرضية الآتية يجب عليهم أخذ الاحتياطات آثناء تناول العقار:-
لتحسين الانتصاب- خبير تغذية: تناول هذه الفاكهة مع الطحينة